Netmask Conversions If you have ever needed to know what a netmask looks like expressed in some other format this table of equivalents should help. It contains common IPv4 netmasks expressed in four different formats.

Subnet Masks - CNES Number of Addresses Number of Bits Prefix Classful Notation Mask; 1: 0 /32: 2: 1 /31: 4: 2 /30: 8: 3 /29: 255.255 1.5. Understanding CIDR Subnet Mask Notation m0n0wall uses a subnet mask format that you may not be familiar with. Rather than the common 255.x.x.x, it uses CIDR (Classless InterDomain Routing) notation. TCP/IP basics: IP address, Netmask, Network The Netmask, together with the IP address, defines the network the computer belongs to, that is which other IP addresses the computer can touch directly in the same LAN. In order to understand the Netmask we will always remember that the 4 bytes defining both the IP address and the Netmask could be represented in binary format.

Netmask Quick Reference Chart -

Subnetwork - Wikipedia A subnetwork or subnet is a logical subdivision of an IP network.: 1,16 The practice of dividing a network into two or more networks is called subnetting. Computers that belong to a subnet are addressed with an identical most-significant bit-group in their IP addresses.This results in the logical division of an IP address into two fields, the network number or routing prefix and the rest field VPCs and subnets - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud The allowed block size is between a /28 netmask and /16 netmask. If you create more than one subnet in a VPC, the CIDR blocks of the subnets cannot overlap. For example, if you create a VPC with CIDR block, it supports 256 IP addresses. You can break this CIDR block into two subnets, each supporting 128 IP addresses.

Online IP Address Subnet Calculator - This tool can be used for calculating subnet, it provides detailed information about the network: Subnet Mask, Network ID, Broadcast, Wildcard Mask, Number of Hosts, Start IP Address, End IP Address, and Mask Bits

IP Calculator / IP Subnetting IP Calculator. ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. By giving a second netmask, you can design subnets and supernets. It is also intended to be a teaching tool and presents the subnetting results as easy-to-understand binary values. Online IP Subnet Calculator IP Subnet Calculator . The IP Subnet Mask Calculator enables subnet network calculations using network class, IP address, subnet mask, subnet bits, mask bits, maximum required IP subnets and maximum required hosts per subnet. Results of the subnet calculation provide the hexadecimal IP address, the wildcard mask, for use with ACL (Access Control Lists), subnet ID, broadcast address, the subnet CIDR Conversion Table - University Feb 21, 2005 Subnetwork - Wikipedia